Friday 25 November 2011

The Unbridled Joy of Running

On Sunday I went out and jogged a few very slow miles and felt no pain at all in my shin or knee. On Monday I did the same, again nothing. I started to get excited that things were actually starting to look up after so many weeks and months of wishing away pain. Tuesday I hit the trails just as the light was fading and ran multiple mini loops on the trails immediately around the house, just in case I felt anything at all and needed to get back quickly. I covered about 8 miles and felt dreadfully out of breath but again no pain. Wednesday I ran a few miles in the evening later on and yesterday I went out on my regular 14 mile loop for the first time in ages. I've been carrying a chest infection so my lungs about fell apart and I am seriously out of shape but 2 hours and 10 minutes later I arrived back home in one piece, with no pain, not even a glimmer of tightness in my knee. There was a moment there about 12.5 miles in, running down the trail in the sunshine when I could almost physically feel the depression of not being able to run leaving my body. It will take a long time to get back to where I once was fitness wise and I might get injured again tomorrow, who knows, but for now - it's all good.

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