Sunday 6 November 2011

'If you want to win, first you have to know how to lose' Frank Bozanich.

I've had a lot of help and support this week from different people regards the latest injury. I mentioned at the beginning of the last post, that following the bike crash and severe pain at Caesars Camp 50, that I had moved from a self-diagnosis of inflamed itb and bruised soft tissue - to physio diagnosis of torn lateral meniscus. I'm pleased to say that I am now back at the former which is huge news for me. I am yet to have the scan as I wait to hear from the NHS, but the knee problems have improved daily and fingers crossed they will continue to do so.

I exchanged a few e mails with another experienced ultra runner who happens also to be a GP, Mark Fresch. He read that last post and has helped clarify a few things for me. It's acts of generosity like this that make the ultrarunning community what it is. Together with Mondays physio work and the improved movement, I am now fairly sure that it was/ is my itb that's causing problems.

On Thursday I had no issues locking my leg in a straight position and was able to move up and down the stairs without pain. I set out of the door for 2 miles alternate running and walking on flat trails on instruction from the physio. It didn't end well and I was in pain almost from the word go. On Friday I ran/ walked a mile. It was incredibly slow but I got it done without any discomfort whatsoever. On Saturday I ran 3 miles and today 5. Little progressions each day coupled with a bucket load of icing and stretching but it feels like I am inching my way slowly back. The knee still feels a little sore at times and there is a tingling sensation much of the time I am running but by dropping in walking breaks it immediately goes away. More physio in the morning, taking it one step at a time. I will feel extremely lucky despite everything this year, if I am able to avoid anything more than a few weeks off of running with bruised soft tissue out of all of this.

On a totally separate note I've got a new hero. Frank Bozanich. Quick Facts:

Out of 100 ultras, he's won 44
His 50 mile PB is 5:05
He's won races in his 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s
He says it like it is

There is an awesome podcast up now at which is well worth a listen.

My favourite Frank Bozanich quotes:

'I don't use dropbags, I just put my shoes on and let's go!'
'I have to laugh at these people wanting to do forefoot running and stuff here today'
'I see these people with these backpacks all loaded up. Go back to being simple. Running is a very simple process, just put one foot in front of the other. Do your training and you'll be fine'
'I used to train 200 miles a week and most of that was sub 7, a lot of it 6 minute pace'
'I can remember running Old Dominion in 1980, 10 days after running the 100k in Biel, in 15:18. The whole race I ate nothing and drank de-fizzed coke and water'

He is right, there are an awful lot of people out there now offering advice and recommendations as to how you should run, what you should carry, how often you should race etc etc. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it, unless you get yourself a coach. Somebody that can help you is this guy, he knows what he is doing.... link

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