Sunday 22 April 2012

Week Ending 22nd April

Monday: 6 miles 0:55
Tuesday: 11 miles Hours
Wednesday: 12 miles 1:50
Thursday: 6 miles 1:00
Friday: zippo
Saturday: 2 miles 0:16
Sunday: 17 miles 3:10

Total: 54 miles 9 hours

Awful weeks training. Completely trashed my calves running a road half marathon in a pair of new balance minimus last Sunday after i turned up to the race without my road shoes. Shouldn't have started but held on to a whimper of hope that I could complete the entire thing. Running up on my forefeet without any training in them with the added impact of moving at pace (6:30p/m) on road completely smashed my calves to bits.

Mondays run was a shuffle. Tuesday was all walking. Wednesday felt ok until the last few miles when my calves began screaming at me again (bonked pretty hard too for some reason). Thursday I had to actually turn around and go home and Friday I had a sports massage to sort the problem out. Todays run was a slow amble around the Ashridge Boundary Trail with Keith Godden over at, a really nice gentle conversational outing.

So coming into the Highland Fling next Saturday the plan is to do pretty much nothing except try and heal up and get some rest. I don't seem to be firing on all cyclinders. Counting back from Wednesday I managed 80 miles in 6 days and the half marathon in 1:26 did take a little something out maybe. That's higher mileage than I've been doing so who knows.

So far under Joe's tuition my weekly mileages have been:

Week 1: 78 miles
Week 2: 82 miles
Week 3: 40 miles
Week 4: 28 miles
Week 5: 50 miles
Week 6: 54 miles

Typically inconsistent. Life (wedding and honeymoon) and that calf niggle got in the way. Still it's not the end of the world and I hope I can have another C2C style performance when I was averaging 60 mpw for 5 weeks coming in to it.

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